COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia

Until now, the process of distributing COVID-19 vaccines for all Indonesian people continues. The government is constructive that this vaccination target can be completed by March 2022. In this example, it includes vaccine goals in the Tourism sector and an innovative financial system.
In line with the incessant spread of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, the government hopes that the public remains vigilant and careful in filtering all information about COVID-19 vaccinations. This is because there is often a bit of false information circulating about the application of a COVID-19 vaccination certificate in the United States.
With accurate data, it is hoped that vaccination targets, especially those in the tourism sector and the innovative financial system industry, have accurate and reliable expertise. So that it can raise awareness to participate in vaccinations as an effort to reduce the increasing costs of COVID-19.

Through this text, we can extract interesting facts about COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia, which route can be justified.
1 Vaccination is not like Immunization
Vaccination and immunization are two different things. Vaccination is a technique of giving vaccines by injection or drops into the mouth, which aims to grow the manufacture of antibodies to fight disease or viruses.
While immunization is the body's procedure to achieve immunity against a disease or virus. Immunization is divided into two, namely energetic and passive immunization. Vaccination is protected in live immunization in an effort to trigger the body to secrete antibodies against certain diseases.
2. How the COVID-19 Vaccine Works
The COVID-19 vaccine allows us to boost our immune system by activating the reaction against the SARS-CoV-2 or Corona virus. The way to paint vaccines is to teach the immune system through virus recognition and prevention. To teach immune devices, certain molecules of the virus must first be introduced into the body to initiate an immune reaction. The virus molecule has been weakened so that it is far safe for the body of the vaccine recipient.
3. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and Halal
When the COVID-19 vaccine was first imported into Indonesia, the protection and legality of the vaccine became a puzzle. However, it should be understood that every vaccine circulating here has been confirmed to have passed medical tests by BPOM.
Likewise, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has issued a fatwa confirming that the COVID-19 vaccine is holy and halal. So it is safe and recommended to be used for the sake of mutual health. 

4. Vaccines from Herd Immunity

WHO states that community immunity (herd immunity) can be achieved through vaccination. Vaccines will establish herd immunity if at least 70% of humans are vaccinated.
This means that the earlier herd immunity is formed, the sooner Indonesia can be free from the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we must help the application of the COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia so that the pandemic ends soon.
Five. Already Vaccinated, Still Obey Prokes
Even though we have been vaccinated, it doesn't mean we can't be exposed to the COVID-19 virus. We must continue to apply the fitness protocols that have been established. Especially with the entry of new mutations of the more contagious COVID-19 virus, it is important to tighten the implementation of the 5M protocol. 5M stands for carrying masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds, and prohibiting mobilization.
6. Recipient Range of COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccination applications in the US have been started since January 13, 2021. Based on vaccination data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health as of May 31, 2021, there are 16,304,700 people who have obtained a bachelor's degree. of the COVID-19 vaccine. Then 10,584,489 humans have received a second vaccine shot.
7. Fourth Most Vaccine in Indonesia
Authorities have set a COVID-19 vaccine target of 181,554,465 people. With this vaccination target, Indonesia is in fourth place because the United States provides the most COVID-19 vaccines abroad outside of vaccine-producing countries.
Eight. COVID-19 Vaccine Recipient Organizations
The COVID-19 vaccine may be given in certain levels. The first section starts in January-April 2021, while the second segment starts in April-March 2021.
The order of recipients of this COVID-19 vaccination is mainly based on a scale of priority and significance. In accordance with the WHO guidelines are: health workers, public officials, and people who are at high risk of contracting or seriously ill from COVID-19.
Nine. Types of Vaccines in Indonesia
Reporting from covid19.Pass.Identification, on May 31, 2021, Indonesia again added eight million vaccines in the form of raw materials (bulk). By the end of May, Indonesia had acquired 91.9 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. This breakdown consists of: 3 million doses of Sinovac vaccine, 81.5 million Sinovac bulk doses, 6. Forty-one million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, and 1 million doses of Sinopharm vaccine.
Meanwhile, berBased on the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, there are 6 types of COVID-19 vaccines that will be circulated in Indonesia. These types of vaccines include: produced by PT Bio Farma, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Moderna, Pfizer Inc and BioNTech, and Sinovac Biotech.
In addition to guaranteeing the supply of vaccines in Indonesia, the authorities also seek to ensure and guarantee the protection, greatness, halalness, and efficacy of vaccines given to the wider community.
Of course, this vaccination effort will not succeed without the help of the whole community. In addition to tending to be vaccinated and taking part in health strategies, of course, individual networks can contribute to spreading interesting facts about COVID-19 vaccination in Indonesia. Although simple, this move might be very meaningful to fight


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